Dental Prosthesis
Fixed dental prostheses or dental crowns
The dental prostheses are used to replace the natural teeth and to improve dental aesthetics, when the teeth are damaged, but still recoverable.
The dental crowns are artificial restorations that permanently replace broken, lost or chipped teeth. They are coatings that go beyond the original tooth. Crowns can be of zirconium ceramic, ceramic metal, ceramic gold or full-ceramic.
In addition to replace a tooth to perfection, they are also able to replicate its natural beauty. Fixed dental prostheses include crowns and bridges fixed on natural teeth and those fixed on integrated bone implants. They are permanent dental prostheses: they are cemented to natural teeth or artificial roots and they cannot be removed.
Fixed dental prostheses into natural teeth

Named in the colloquial language “bridge”, this prosthesis is cemented on natural teeth, which serve as a pillar.
For the dental prostheses on natural teeth we use metal-ceramic or zirconium-ceramic crowns.
On the natural teeth, which must support the artificial tooth, crowns are applied on the inner sides, in the middle of which will be inserted the missing tooth.
Fixed dental prostheses on implants
When several teeth are missing, a solution is the fixed prosthesis cemented on an implant, placed on an artificial root to which the replacement tooth is secured.
The best implant is the one osseointegrated, created in titanium, a metal that blends into the bone.
The implants integrated in the mandibular and maxillary bone allow a complete stability of the dental prosthesis.

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Prosthesis All on 8
The All on 8 prosthesis are made of 8 dental implant for each dental jaw. It is an optimal procedure for patients who have lost at least 80% of natural teeth. The implants support a fixed (or permanent) dental bridge of 12-14 teeth.
At First the implants will be inserted into the jaw, with a temporary prosthesis. Then a dental bridge or an overdenture removable prosthesis is connected. The operation requires 2 to 4 hours.

Prosthesis All on 6
The All on 6 prosthesis are permanents prosthesis that use 6 dental implants for each dental jaw.
In one session – or in any case within 24 hours – the patient will have temporary teeth, which will then be replaced about 3 months after surgery, with the definitive prosthesis.