Fixed Prosthesis in Zirconium lp
Total Fixed Prosthesis in German Zirconium Amann Girrbach with 8 Titanium Implants for only 5100 Euro. Ideal for those suffering from Piorrea and advanced Paradontosis
Maximum Stability and Safety (8 Titanium Implants for single arch)
Perfect esthetics (14 teeth in German Zirconia Amann Girrbach per arch)
Ideal for those suffering from Pyorrhea or advanced periodontitis (our surgeons and implantologists are specialized in periodontology and advanced bone regeneration)
Instant Healing
Ideal for Diabetics and Heart Patients
Complete protection from COVID-19
Perfect Aesthetics – No Fake Gum
All on 8 fixed dental prostheses, unlike the All on four, guarantees a perfect aesthetic because they do not have fake gum.
Maximum stability
The correct balance of the chewing load is guaranteed by the 8 cemented plants per each arch. The All on four, on the other hand, provides only 4 screwed on the front of the mouth, at the expense of chewing due to the failure to respect the normal balance of the chewing load.
No maintenance costs
Toothbrush, toothpaste and floss will be enough to ensure proper hygiene. While, the All on 4 prosthesis has high maintenance costs since it needs 3 periodic checks per year from the specialist to remove it due to the food infiltrations that settle there.
Our promotion for February - March!
For the months of February and March, Gremi Clinic offers you an All on 8 fixed total prosthesis in monolithic multilayer zirconium from the German company Amann Girrbach AG for only 5100 euros, instead of 6300 euros of the list price!
Plus you’ll get FREE round trip.
Take advantage of our special offer now!
Write to us today to ask for all the information you want.
Free Services Included in the cost of the dental treatment
FREE Accommodation for 2 people (patient + accompanying person)
FREE reception at the airport on arrival and transfer on departure.
FREE assistance in English in the clinic and in your free time for all the duration of your dental treatments.
FREE mobile phone for you with an Albanian sim card.
Free Services Included in the cost of the dental treatment
FREE Accommodation for 2 people (patient + accompanying person)
FREE reception at the airport on arrival and transfer on departure.
FREE assistance in English in the clinic and in your free time for all the duration of your dental treatments.
FREE mobile phone for you with an Albanian sim card.
15,000 SATISFIED PATIENTS in 13 years of activity - Listen to their Direct Testimonials
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