Delayed loading implantology

Delayed loading implantology

Delayed loading implantology

The delayed loading implantology, compared to immediate loading dental implants, is a traditional technique that involves the place of prosthetic crowns after a certain period of time from the insertion of the dental implant. Delayed implantology is chosen when the patient’s bone requires more time to complete the osseointegration.

If the inserted implant is not yet stable and cannot stand the pressure of chewing, then it is necessary to wait some time before mounting the prosthesis. The Wait is generally between 3 to 4 months.

After this time a sufficient amount of bone has been created around the implant, which makes it stable. With the mastication it will be complete even the bone formation.

In delayed loading implantology there is no difference in the aesthetic appearance of the teeth nor in the functionality of the prosthesis compared to the immediate loading, but it only takes longer healing times.

How does delayed loading implantology work?

This type of implant requires two phases:

  1. Insertion of titanium dental implants, the closure of the gingiva with stitches and insertion of a temporary prosthesis.
  2. Removal of the points and insertion of the metal pin (the dental crown base) after the osseointegration and the assembly of the final prosthesis.

The only difference between the two techniques is that delayed loading implantology is always possible – it is a traditional implantology – while the immediate loading implantology is not.

The technique of deferred loading implantology, therefore, is not better than the technique of immediate loading, it is only a different technique to position the dental implants, but the result is the same.

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